Thursday, October 31, 2019
Women in Islam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Women in Islam - Assignment Example The hijab has become common in the Muslim world and frequently worn conceitedly by the university and college girls as a sign of Islamic identity, liberating them symbolically from western cultural domination and imperialism (Kusha, 2011). Ã In addition, the traditional Muslim culture of male occupational dominance has also changed, and currently, Muslim women hold various positions in the workplaces. The culture of men as the breadwinners does no longer exist, and women raise their children and feed the household just as men. Another important change in the Muslim culture to satisfy the needs of modern women is in marriage. Traditionally, all Muslim marriages were arranged, and women had no say, but in the modern one, women are cherished and treated well. In fact, the mistreatment and beating of women are something of the past in the Muslim marriage. Ã In summary, the Muslim culture has transformed to include the needs of women in the modern society, but there is need to address the miss-emphasis and misrepresentation in Islam. The Muslim leaders should continue to address the problem of gender relations within the Muslim communities and outside to correct the gender imbalances.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Business Operations - A Systems View Assignment
Business Operations - A Systems View - Assignment Example When faced with rising costs and slumping sales, Aramexââ¬â¢s management would tend to look within examine existing operations and reversing the trend. The idea of looking at the external aspects beyond their company is not a new concept. What is new, concerns viewing their company as collective of systems, creating a whole, whereas also examining the relations between the individual systems in order to determine their effect on the whole system. The systems theory advances the premise that organizations consist of systems that form a larger system. The manner in which a sub-system fits in the system determines whether the sub-system will prosper. The managers at Aramex can use this concept to achieve a more holistic picture of the entire organization. Learning and understanding how Aramex relates to the system it exists in, and the manner in which the organizationââ¬â¢s internal systems detract or contribute from the larger system relationship could give a more relevant analys is. Restructuring a learning company needs an understanding of the concept of learning organizations and its relationship to the outcomes the organization desires (Kontoghiorghes et al, 2005: p185). ... If the material is not flowing, then the supply pipeline is non-existent. Instead, there will be inventory imbalances with products and components not ending up where the organization wants. The movement could be very broad in its geographical scope. Completed products and raw materials could be moved among and between any regions in the world. As organizations pursue competitive advantage, most are now considering their supply chains and developing customer-supplier relationships to the smooth flow of materials (Phillips et al, 2006: p452). The plan for movement of material needs to be flexible. Sometimes, the existing supply chain is perceived to be a barrier and too rigid (Phillips et al, 2006: p457). The weakest link at Aramex, according to Iyad, is forecasting in their corporate execution and planning. Therefore, the movement needs to be able to deal and adjust with business activity swings. This could need a multi-level, multi-level, and/or multi-mode service program to keep a smooth flow of the global supply chain. For instance, it could need a mix of air and sea modes to ensure a smooth flow of material, particularly if there are swings in requirements and volumes. On the other hand, a mix of slow and fast boat transit time, freight costs on the sea, and transit times for trading off. In addition, if the materialââ¬â¢s destination were on, say, the east coast, a mix of all water and MLB service, the multi-carrier approach would work, although it could stay with the same line of steamship. Enabling Responsiveness throughout the Supply Chain While the movement of materials and products is fundamental to Aramex, it is also important for them to know where the inventory is and whether there
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Self Esteem Problems Health And Social Care Essay
The Self Esteem Problems Health And Social Care Essay INTRODUCTION Self esteem is all about how much we feel valued, loved, accepted and thought well of by others and how much we value, love and accept ourselves. People with healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about them, appreciate their own worth and take pride in their abilities, skills and accomplishments. People with low self- esteem may feel as if no one will like them or accept them or that they cant do well in anything People with high self esteem tend to be ambitious in what they want to experience in Life, they have a drive to express them and to communicate openly and honestly about their needs and desires. People with low self esteem rarely live their life to the full, they distance themselves from others, denied their love and support, and uncomfortable with success, some of them even take alcohol and drugs. We all experience problems with self esteem at certain times in our lives-especially during our teens figuring out, where we fit in the world. The level of self esteem determines how we operate in life -how we interact with others such as spouse, children, friends, and strangers .It determines our achievements, and our satisfaction and happiness. Self esteem has long been believed to play an important role in the use of alcohol; People with alcohol problems often have low self esteem. They judge themselves negatively-not just for their addiction, but also for other parts of their behavior or their personality. Most of the individuals who are addicted to drugs and alcohol are not happy with their lives and live a life of despair and hopelessness, the major symptom is poor self esteem. Poor self esteem is at the heart of an individuals addiction and dependency and there is an inverse relationship between alcohol dependency and self esteem, that if a persons self esteem improves the individuals addictive behavior. 1.1. Need For The Study: Low self esteem is one of the causative factor that vast majority of alcohol addicts share in common, low self esteem is challenging in four areas. First they feel that they lack personal power, secondly many with low self esteem feel lacking the affection and attention of others, thirdly low self esteem results when people feel that they lack virtue, often feel unloved, unappreciated and lastly those possessing low self esteem hold themselves as incompetent in one or more areas. Several researchers have argued that self esteem poses high risk for alcohol abuse in some populations, including adolescents, college students, and females (Donnelly, 2000). Another area of life that Alcoholics with low Self-Esteem often struggle with their occupation. Perhaps they may lack education, information, skill sets, or the belief in their ability to obtain a worthwhile job and so they self-sabotage and then get to the right about the fact that no one wants to hire them. Seeking continuous education is hopeless to those who have such low self-esteem since they see themselves as incapable of excelling in the process of studying, taking exams, and achieving success in all the systems. Low self- esteem can also manifest as a result of ones inability to generate wealth, they see themselves struggling to survive in a world marked by competition, often struggle with their occupation. Those with low self esteem often resort to addictive behaviors in an effort to numb out the pain and escape to a world that allows them a temporary release from their sufferings and problems 1.2. Statement of the Problem: Promotion of self esteem activities among alcoholic dependants 1.3. Objectives: 1.3.1 Assessment the self esteem level among alcoholics 1.3.2 Association of self esteem and Alcoholism 1.3.2 Assessment of the effectiveness of self esteem activities in promotion of self esteem among alcoholics. 1.4. Assumptions: 1.4.1. Self esteem level may be low among alcoholic dependants. 1.4.2. Practice of self esteem activities may improve the self esteem level among alcoholic dependants 1.5. Operational Definitions: 1.5.1. PROMOTION- refers to the improvement in level of self esteem among Alcoholic dependants. 1.5.2. SELF ESTEEM- perceived self concept of an alcoholic individual 1.5.3. ALCOHOLICS- a person craves alcohol, is unable to limit his or her drinking. 1.6. Promotion of Self-Esteem Activities Among Alcoholics Dependants: Conceptualization is the process of specifying what we mean when we use particular terms (Giemman) The conceptual framework is derived from Penders health promotion Model. In this study Individual characteristics and experience by physical, social psychological and occupational problems may change the level of self-esteem of the Alcoholic patients. Self-Esteem activities are promoted based on the patients problems may bring change in the level of self-esteem. It includes perceived benefit of Self-Esteem activities like Individual and Group activities. PENDERS HEALTH PROMOTION MODEL CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 1. Studies related to low self esteem and alcoholism 2. Studies related to self esteem activities and alcoholism 1. Studies related to low self esteem and alcoholism: A study conducted on self esteem and Alcohol use on 61 Alcoholic dependants who were admitted in a rural Midwestern medical centre. An individuals reactions to his or her social environment are mediated by a sense of self esteem, low levels of self esteem are develop during Socialization. Results suggest that specific form of social support is important to recovering alcoholic dependants (Steffennhagen and Burns, 2006). A Pearson correlation was calculated examining the relationship between the amounts of alcohol consumed in the past 30 days and self esteem. A low to moderate correlation was found (r (23) =.250, p>.05). (Jeremy W.Lawing, 2006). A Study conducted on drinking problems and self-Esteem of college students,148 lower division college students were given the following paper and pencil tests: The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, and the Personal Self section of The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. College Students are having low self Esteem (F = 4.23, p = .04). Tabulation of the incidence of heavy drinking (31%).Result shows an drinking behavior of college students are having low self esteem(()swego,2005). A study was conducted on the effects of self esteem on substance abuse among homeless men. This experimental study involving 305 samples of homeless men was assigned randomly to the treatment group and Control group. Control group was referred to community based services, experimental subjects were exposed to individual therapy, group interventions, life skills and relapse prevention training residing in a 24 Hour shelter for three months. Results indicated that self-esteem was increased in experimental group than in control group (Brandon, 2004). A descriptive study was conducted on self-esteem and alcohol dependants. Study comprises of two groups such as alcoholic dependants as one group and non-alcoholics in another group. Study shown that alcoholic dependants have lowered self esteem compared to non alcoholics self esteem (Donnelly, 2003) A study was conducted to compare the level of self esteem among 30 alcoholics and 30 non alcoholic persons. They are assessed for self esteem using self esteem scale. The results showed that alcoholics had low self esteem when compared to non alcoholics(P A study conducted to identify the relationship between alcohol consumption and self esteem. Study comprises of 26 Samples (Employees of local retail store), their self esteem was assessed by using Rosenbergs self esteem scale. Results showed that alcohol consumption is strongly related to self esteem (T.F.Heatherson,2000). A Study conducted on how self esteem influences alcohol consumption Study comprises of 61 samples. Over the course of two weekends self esteem was measured using Rosenbergs self esteem scale. Study showed the results that self esteem is negatively correlated with alcohol consumption. In a study on adolescents drinking behavior, adolescents with high self esteem reported consuming less alcohol than adolescents with low self esteem. (Gerrerd, Russell, 2000 A cross-sectional survey design investigated the relationship of substance use and self esteem. Self -esteem was assessed using Hare Self-esteem Scale. Four hundred and eleven samples were completed the survey. Results revealed that there is a direct relationship between alcohol use and self-esteem (F=12.8,df=2,343,p,.00001).Regardless recent alcohol abusers had the lowest self-esteem scores and never users had the highest scores(F.X.Gibbons,2000). A study says that low self-esteem is the universal common denominator among all people suffering from addictions. Low self-esteem is the true disease and it is the underlying origin of all problematic behaviors that plagues the world (Candito, 1996). A prospective study of self-esteem and Alcohol Use Disorders in Early Adulthood. The relation among Self-esteem and Alcohol use disorder diagnoses was examined in a sample of 240 men evaluated at four annual assessments over the college years. The results support clinical observations that low self esteem plays a particularly important it eological role in alcohol problems in men (Fromme.K, 1989). A number of studies have indicated that adolescents who refrain from drinking alcohol have higher self-esteem than do adolescents who drink. The questionnaire used in this study included the Adolescent Alcohol Involvement Scale which has fourteen questions about alcohol use, the Rosenberg (1965) Self-esteem Scale, (Mendel son, Mock, Erbaugh, 1984). 2. Studies related to self esteem activities and alcoholism A Study conducted on how group activity has an impact on self esteem among alcoholics. Study comprises 40 samples, 20 patients undergone group activities for 12 weeks in an inpatient setting and 20 patients as control groups. Patients in the intervention group showed significant enhancement in self esteem, social skills and self confidence where as there is no changes observed in control group (John Wiley, 2009) A Study was conducted how utilization of self esteem programs (Holistic Addiction Treatment Programme) plays an important role in Relapse prevention. Study comprises of 145 samples. Results show that 70 to 90 percentages, self esteem programs are effective in Relapse prevention and over all well-being to the treatment of recovering alcoholics (Harry Henshaw, 2007). A Study conducted on self esteem activities among Alcoholic patients. Study comprises of 43 samples, volunteers in the group undergone self esteem activities along with drug treatment, the other group only underwent drug treatment. Pretest-posttest comparison on a variety of physiological parameters indicated that significant improvements had occurred in psychological wellbeing including self esteem, self awareness, lifestyle adaptation and relapse prevention skills. Results suggest that promotion of self esteem activities improves self esteem among alcoholic dependants (Michael Peterson, Bryan johnstone, 2003) A study conducted on self-esteem and alcoholism among high school students total sample was 140(55males and 85 females) high school students. The questionnaire used in this study included the Adolescent Alcohol Involvement Scale (Moberg, 1983) which has fourteen questions about alcohol use, the Rosenberg (1965) Self-esteem Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, Ward, Mendel son, Mock, Erbaugh, 1961). Study has showed that indicated that adolescents who refrain from drinking alcohol have higher self-esteem than do adolescents who drink (Butler, 1980; Young, Werch, Brakeman 1989) CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Designing a research involves the development of plan or strategy that will guide the collection and analysis of data. The present study is designed to promote the Self-esteem among Alcoholic Patients. The methodology of the study constitutes research design, setting, population and sampling criteria for the selection of samples and tool for data collection. 3.1. One Group Pre Test Post Test Design: 3.2. Setting: This study was conducted in Kasthuriba Gandhi De-Addiction Centre, Coimbatore. The De-Addiction centre consists of 25 bedded 3.3. Population: The overall population for the study was alcoholic patients who were admitted in the Kasthuriba Gandhi DE-Addiction Centre from 28.06.2010 to 25.07.2010. 3.4 Sample size And Sampling Technique: Purposive sampling Technique was used to select samples who were admitted in the Kasthuriba Gandhi De-Addiction Centre during the period of study.30 patients were selected as samples during the study. 3.5. Criteria for Selection of the Sample: Inclusion Criteria: Patients who were admitted in Kasthuriba Gandhi De-Addiction Centre Alcoholic patients with Low self esteem Exclusion Criteria: Patients who are not willing to participate in the study. Alcoholic dependants associated with Psychotic symptoms. 3.5. Instruments and Tool for Data Collection: The tool was prepared based on review of literature and guidance of experts from the field of Psychiatry. Section I: This section includes demographic variables like age, education, family Income, occupation, marital status, marital disharmony, Type of Family Duration of Alcohol intake Consumption of alcohol, physical and psychological problems. Section II: This section consists of modified Rutgerss Alcohol Problem Index scale. It is a useful tool to assess the problem index among alcoholic patients. It consists of 15 questions. Section III: This section has an index to measure persons self-esteem. It consists of 20 statements to assess the level of self-esteem of alcoholic dependants. Score Interpretation: Self -Esteem Assessment Scale consists of 20 statements of assessment of patients level of self esteem. The total score is 60, patient who scores the item 3 and more than 46 is having low self-esteem. Section IV: This section consists of intervention for Low self -Esteem such as Individual activities and Group activities. Individual Activities: Promoting individually performing activities. The patients are encouraged to do individual activities such as Art writing and Reading Newspapers. Group Activities: Group activities is two or more individuals unite together to promote an same activity. Patients are encouraged to do psychodrama (Group was given a theme, group members act out based on the theme) and Outdoor games (Tenniequots) 3.6. Variables of the study: Independent variable: Self-esteem activities. Dependant variable: Alcoholic dependants. 3.7. Techniques for Data Analysis and Interpretation: The tables were formulated for base line information such as age, education, occupation, type of family, marital disharmony, income per month, amount of alcohol intake, duration of alcohol intake, physical and psychological symptoms. Paired test was used to analyze the significant difference in the level of self-esteem before and after promoting self esteem activities. 3.7.1. Pairedttest: The test was used to point out the effect of promotion of self esteem activities among alcoholic patients. t=d SD/ n SD= (d-d) Here d=Mean difference between pretest and posttest score. SD=Standard Deviation of the Pre test and post test Sore n=Number of Samples. Pilot study report Pilot study was conducted for a period of 2 weeks, from 28th May 2010 to 11th May 2010, to test the practicability of the tool and feasibility of conducting the main study. Study was conducted in Psychiatric ward of P S G Hospital. For pilot study 5 samples were selected. Data were collected by interview method. Through the pilot study it was proved that self esteem activities in promotion of self esteem. The researcher would like to continue the study to promote self esteem among alcoholic dependants. Changes brought after pilot study During the pilot study, self esteem level was assessed and found to be low among alcoholic dependants. CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that must be completed when conducting a research experiment. Data from various sources gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form some sort of finding or conclusion. There are a variety of specific data analysis method, some of which include data mining, text analytics, business intelligence, and data visualizations. 4.1. General Profile of alcoholic Dependants 1. Age Among thirty alcoholic dependants, six patients were at the age of 21-30 years, fifteen patients were at the age of 31-40years, seven patients were at the age between 41-50 years and two patients were between 51-60years. 2. Education Most of the alcoholic dependants were completed their secondary education, seven patients had completed primary education, six patients completed higher secondary education and seven had graduate degree. 3. Occupation: A. Type of Work It was found that ten were doing business, five were farmers, four were engineers, two were bus drivers and there was one from each category like tailor, rashion shop, goldsmith, shopkeeper, hotel supervisor, massion, mandapam decorator, Carpentor, cable TV Manager. B. Hours of Work Hours of work for alcoholic dependants were varying from6-15 hrs. Most of them nineteen were working between 11-15 hrs and eleven patients were working 6-10 hours per day. C. Income per Month Income of alcoholic dependants varied depends upon their occupation, fifteen were earning between Rs.6000-10000 per month, eight patients were earning between Rs.11000-15000 per month, four were earning between Rs.1000-5000 per month, three patients were earning between Rs 16000-20000 per month. D. Conflict in Work Area Majority of alcoholic dependants, twenty expressed no conflict in work area and ten had conflict in their work area. 4. Family history A. Marital status Twenty four patients were married, six patients were unmarried. B. Marital disharmony: Thirty alcoholic dependants came out with the problem of and only eleven patients had no such problems. C. Relationship with spouse: Among the alcoholic dependants, twelve patients were maintaining good relationship with their spouse and twelve patients were not maintaining good relationship with spouse. D. Relationship with children: Twenty two were maintaining good relationship with their children and two patients were not maintaining good relationship with children. E. Type of Family: Among twenty four alcoholic dependants, six patients were from joint family and eighteen from nuclear family. F. Family History of Alcoholism: There is no family history of alcohol intake among twenty five alcoholic dependants and only five patients were having the family history of alcoholism. 5. Social History: A. Social Support: Among thirty alcoholic dependants, one had Peer group support, three had support from friends, and twenty six had family support. 6. Alcoholic History: A. Duration of Alcohol Intake In years: Duration of 11-15-years of alcohol intake was found among fifteen alcoholic dependants, 6-10years among ten alcoholic dependants, 1-5years among three alcoholic dependants and 16-20 years among two alcoholic dependants. B. Consumption of Alcohol started by: Most of the patients twenty five were started consuming alcohol through friends, three started by their relatives and two started by their family members. C. Quantity of Alcohol when started (Bear in ml): Majority of the alcoholic dependants, twenty three started with 100-300ml of bear while seven alcoholic dependants were stated with 700-900ml of bear. D. Quantity of Alcohol at present (Hot): At present eleven alcoholic dependants was consuming 700-900ml of hot which is more than nineteen alcoholic dependants consuming 400-600ml. E. Time of drinking Alcohol: Among thirty alcoholic dependants, twelve patients were taking alcohol in the evening, four were taking alcohol in the morning and evening, fourteen were taking alcohol throughout the day. F. Money spent on Alcohol Consumption: Among thirty alcoholic dependants, most of them twenty two spent Rs 4000-6000per month for alcohol consumption seven spent Rs7000-9000 per month and one spent Rs 1000-3000 per month. G. Motivation for treatment of Alcoholism: Maximum number of patients thirteen were motivated by self, seven were motivated by already treated patients in de-addiction centre, five were motivated by family members and five were motivated by Relatives. H. Reason for Alcoholism: Seventeen patients were started on alcoholism due to psychological factors such as wifes death, job stress etc, thirteen patients were started due to peer group pressure and none had the reason of physical and psychiatric illness. TABLE 4 1 DEMOGRAPHIC DATA OF ALCOHOLIC PATIENTS 1 AGE IN YEARS 21-30 6 31-40 15 41-50 7 51-65 2 2 EDUCATION Primary 7 Secondary 10 Higher secondary 6 Graduate 7 3 OCCUPATION A.TYPE OF WORK Business 10 Farmer 5 Tailor 1 Accountant in Rashionshop 1 Goldsmith 1 Hotel Supervisor 1 Driver 2 Construction Worker 1 Engineers 4 Mandapam Decorator 1 Carpenter 1 Cable T.V. Manager 1 B.HOURS OF WORK 6 10 11 11 15 19 C.INCOME PER MONTH 1000-5000 4 6000-10,000 15 11,000-15,000 8 16,000-20,000 3 D.CONFLICT IN WORK AREA Present 10 Absent 20 4 FAMILY HISTORY A.MARITAL HISTORY Married 24 Single 6 B.MARITAL DISHARMONY Present 13 Absent 11 C.RELATIONSHIP WITH SPOUSE Maintains good relationship 12 Not maintains good relationship 12 D.RELATIONSHIP WITH CHILDREN Maintains good relationship 22 Not maintains good relationship 2 E.TYPE OF FAMILY Joint family 6 Nuclear family 18 F.FAMILY HISTORY OF ALCOHOLISM Present 5 Absent 25 SOCIAL HISTORY A.SOCIAL SUPPORT Neighbors 0 Peer group 1 Friends 3 Family 26 5 ALCOHOLIC HISTORY A.DURATION OF ALCOHOL INTAKE IN YEARS 1 5 3 6 10 10 11 15 15 16-20 2 B.CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL STARTED BY Friends 25 Family members 2 Relatives 3 Self 0 C.QUANTITY OF ALCOHOL WHEN STARTED (BEAR) ML 100-300 23 400-600 7 700-900 0 D.QUQNTITY OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AT PRESENT(HOT)ML 100-300 0 400-600 19 700-900 11 E.TIME OF DRINKING ALCOHOL Morning 0 Evening 12 Both 4 Throughout the Day 14 F.MONEY SPENT ON ALCOHOLISM 1000-3000 1 4000-6000 22 7000-9000 7 G.MOTIVATION FOR TREATMENT OF ALCOHOLISM Family members 5 Relatives 5 Self 13 Treated patients 0 H.REASON FOR ALCOHOLISM Physical Illness 0 Psychiatric Illness 0 Psychological Illness 17 Peer group Influence 13 4.2. Assessment of Problem Index among Alcoholic Dependants: Among thirty alcoholic dependants, Majority of alcoholic dependants are not able to work, inability to carryout responsibilities, had fight with relatives, neglected by relatives, advised by relatives and friends, to stop alcohol, noticed a change in personality, most of them felt guilty,neede more alcohol to get the same effect previous one, and felt physically and psychologically dependant on Alcoholism. TABLE 2 ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEM INDEX n=30 S.No PROBLEM STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 1 Not Able To Work 10 15 5 0 2 Neglected Responsibilities 10 15 5 0 3 Had Fight With Others 20 5 5 0 4 Neglected By Relatives 10 14 6 0 5 Advised By friends, neighbours, relatives to stop alcohol 0 20 10 0 6 Kept Promised To Stop Drinking 10 12 8 0 7 Noticed A Change In Personality 12 16 2 0 8 Felt Guilty 0 23 7 0 9 Forgetting Places 16 14 0 0 10 Fainted Suddenly 26 4 0 0 11 Gone Suddenly 26 3 1 0 12 Needed More Alcohol To Get The same Effect As Of previous One 0 20 6 4 13 Tried To Control Drinking 16 8 6 0 14 Stopped Drinking Because Of Withdrawal Symptoms 20 10 0 0 15 Felt physical or Psychologically dependant On Alcohol 0 16 10 4 Score Interpretation: 1.None of the Time, 2.1-2 Time, 3.3-4 Times, 4.More than five times 4.3. Assessment of Level of Self-Esteem among alcoholic Dependants: Fifty one patients were got admitted in kasthuriba Gandhi de-Addiction Centre, Coimbatore in the month of July. Among them thirty alcoholic dependants were selected for the study based on the exclusion criteria. Level of self-esteem was assessed for each patient by using self-esteem assessment tool. All thirty alcoholic dependants were having low self-esteem that they become anger when criticized, afraid to try new things, showing difficulty in performing social activities and social interaction. All the alcoholic Dependants were scored the level of self-esteem score between50-60. 4.4. Promotion of Self-Esteem Activities: Self-Esteem activities are promoted by scheduling as individual and group activities. Individual activities are promoted in the morning and group activities are promoted in the evening to boost up self-esteem among Alcoholic dependants. TABLE 3 Self-Esteem Activities Protocol S. No Time Activities 1 Morning Individual Activities 8.30-9.30am A. Self Reporting 11.00-12.00Noon B. Art Writing 2 Afternoon Group Activities 1.30-3.00Pm A. Psychodrama 3.30-5.00Pm B. Tenniquoite TABLE 4 ASSESSMENT OF SELF-ESTEEM BEFORE PROMOTING SELF-ESTEEM ACTIVITIES n=30 S. No Level of Self-Esteem No. of. Patients Pre test 1. Self- Esteem Score (>46) 30 SCORE INTERPRETATION: Problems with low self-esteem are indicated by a total score higher than 46 TABLE 5 ASSESSMENT OF SELF-ESTEEM AFTER PROMOTING SELF-ESTEEM ACTIVITIES n=30 S. No Level of self-Esteem No. of. Patients Pretest Post test 1. Self-Esteem Score( 30 0 TABLE 6 COMPARISON OF SELF-ESTEEM BEFORE AND AFTER PROMOTING SELF-ESTEEM ACTIVITIES n=30 S. No Level of Self-Esteem Pre test Post test 1 Self-Esteem Score(>46) 30 30 2. Self-Esteem Score( 0 30 INTERPRETATION: Thirty alcoholic Dependants were scored > 46 before promoting Self-Esteem activities. But after promoting Self-Esteem Activities they have scored TABLE 7 Difference in pretest and Posttest Self-Esteem Score of Alcoholic Dependants S. No Pretest Score Posttest Score Difference 1 56 33 23 2 54 36 22 3 56 32 24 4 56 32 24 5 55 30 25 6 54 33 21 7 52 34 22 8 52 33 21 9 55 33 22 10 55 32 23 11 54 31 23 12 54 30 24 13 56 33 23 14 54 31 23 15 55 32 23 16 56 33 23 17 56 33 23 18 54 33 21
Friday, October 25, 2019
Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard To Find :: essays research papers
In her short story "A Good Man is Hard to Findâ⬠Flannery O'Connor's seems to portray a feeling that society as she saw it was drastically changing for the worse. O'Connor's obvious displeasure with society at the time is most likely a result of her Catholic religion and her very conservative upbringing in the ââ¬Ëold south.ââ¬â¢ She seems to depict her opinion in this particular story by using the character of the grandmother to show what she saw was happening to the times. Evidence of society's "demise" is woven into the story, and presented through an interesting generation gap between the grandmother and her family. The grandmother is representative of devoutness and Christianity which O'Connor apparently believed to be more prevalent in the "glamorous" Old South. Attention to prim detail separated the grandmother from the rest of her family who seemed to be living in a different world than she. As she organized herself in preparation for the trip, her family was described as rather common people living in a frusturated middle class world. Oââ¬â¢Connor described the old woman as she settled herself comfortably, removing her white cotton gloves and putting them up with her purse on the shelf in front of the back window. The children's mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in a green kerchief but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print. Her collar and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace, and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once she was a lady. The parents pay little attention to the grandmother and when they do, they are often quite rude. The unruly children are representative of the breakdown of respect, and discipline, and are consequently a forecast of future generations. They constantly demean the grandmother and at one point, June Star even complains that her grandmother has to go everywhere they go right to her face. Oââ¬â¢Connor seems to be illustrating not only how times are changing, but how the future generations have no respect for thier precedents. The Misfit represents evil. At one point the Misfit likens himself to Christ, in that they both were punished for crimes they did not commit. Christ accepted death for the sins of all people, however. The Misfit is in a constant battle against his fate that he sees
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cheesy Wheezy Essay
Starting as a small retail store in New Glarus, Wisconsin, the Cheezy Wheezy firm had slowly grown into a chain of nine retail shops located in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. In recent years, nearly all its competitors had begun issuing catalogs, widely distributed in late October, advertising gift packages of cheeses, jams, jellies, and other fancy food items. Henry Wilson, son of the firmââ¬â¢s founder, had convinced his father that Cheezy Wheezy should also issue a catalog. It was then March, and the last snows were melting. Henry Wilson had called his third staff meeting in as many weeks to discuss the catalog project. Present were Henry (whose title was vice president); Susan Moore, the sales manager; Jeff Bell, the inventory manager; and Robert Walker, the traffic manager. Also present was Robert Caldwell, from a Milwaukee-based ad agency that was handling many aspects of the catalog project. Moore and Caldwell had just finished describing the catalogââ¬â¢s tentative design and the allocation of catalog pages to various product lines. Caldwell then said, ââ¬Å"We are to the point where we must design the order form, which will be stapled inside the center pages. It will be a single 8 1/2-by-11-inch sheet. The customer will remove it from the catalog, complete it, fold it into the envelope shape, lick the gummed lines, and mail it in. The order form will be on one side of the sheet. On the other will be the instructions for folding and Cheezy Wheezyââ¬â¢s mailing address in New Glarus; the remainder of the space will be ads for some impulse items. Right now weââ¬â¢re thinking of a Santa Clausââ¬âshaped figure molded out of cheese. ââ¬Å"Enough of that,â⬠said Wilson, ââ¬Å"this group isnââ¬â¢t here to discuss Santa dolls. Weââ¬â¢re here to design the order form. We may also have to talk a little about selling terms. Susan? â⬠Responding to her cue, Moore said, ââ¬Å"Our biggest problem is how to handle the transportation and shipping costs. Weââ¬â¢ve studied all our competitorsââ¬â¢ catalogs. Some absorb the costs into the productââ¬â¢s price, some charge by weight of the order, some charge by money value of order, and some ship COD. â⬠ââ¬Å"How important are shipping costs, Susan? â⬠asked Bell. ââ¬Å"Plenty,â⬠was her response. They run $2 to $3 for a 1- or 2-pound package. If you take a pound of cheese that we sell in our retail stores for $2, here are our costs if it goes by catalog: cost of goods, $1; order management, 50 cents; overhead, including inventory carrying costs, 50 cents; packaging for shipment, 50 cents; and transportation costs to any point in the United States ranging between $1. 75 and $3. 20. If, however, weââ¬â¢re dealing with bigger shipments, the relative costs vary. â⬠ââ¬Å "Iââ¬â¢m not following you,â⬠said Wilson. ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s like this,â⬠responded Moore. The wholesale cost of cheese to us is the same per pound, no matter how much is sold. Order-processing costs are approximately the same for each order weââ¬â¢ll be receiving by mail. Overhead and inventory carrying costs are always present but may be allocated in a variety of ways. Packaging costs are also about the same per order. They go up only a few cents as we move to larger cartons. Transportation costs are hard to describe because of their tapers. Right now our whole catalog project is bogged down with the problem of transportation cost tapers. â⬠ââ¬Å"Tapers? â⬠said Wilson, turning to Walker. Youââ¬â¢ve never told me about tapers before. It sounds like some kind of animal. â⬠ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s tapir, t-a-p-i-r,â⬠said Walker. ââ¬Å"Weââ¬â¢re talking about tapers, t-a-p-e-r-s. â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh,â⬠said Wilson. ââ¬Å"What are they? â⬠ââ¬Å"When one ships small packages of cheese,â⬠said Walker, ââ¬Å"rates are based on two factors, the weight being shipped and the distance. As weight or distance increases or bothââ¬âthe rates go up but not as quickly. This is called the tapering principle. To ship 2 pounds of cheese from New Glarus to St. Louis costs $2. 40; 3 pounds cost $3. 30; 5 pounds cost $4. 60; and so on. One hundred poundsââ¬âno, 50 pounds is a better example because some of the parcel services weââ¬â¢ll be using wonââ¬â¢t take 100 poundsââ¬â50 pounds would cost $21. Thereââ¬â¢s also a distance taper. The 2-pound shipment that costs $2. 40 to St. Louis is $3. 40 to Denver and $4. 15 to Los Angeles. â⬠ââ¬Å"Canââ¬â¢t we use the average transportation costs? â⬠asked Bell. ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s what we do with inventory carrying costs. â⬠ââ¬Å"Wonââ¬â¢t work,â⬠said Caldwell. ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢ll be overpriced for small, short-distance shipments and will lose sales. For heavy long shipments, youââ¬â¢ll be underpriced and will make so many sales that you might soon go belly up. Wilson shuddered and inquired, ââ¬Å"Does that mean we charge by weight and by distance? â⬠Moore answered, ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s not that easy. In the cheese business, people buy by the pound, but shipping weightsââ¬âwhich include packagingââ¬âare actua lly more. A customer who orders 3 pounds of cheese is in fact receiving 3 pounds of cheese plus 6 ounces of packaging materials. I wish we could sell a pound of cheese that consisted of 14 ounces of cheese and 2 ounces of packing material, but that would be illegal at worst, and of questionable ethics, at best. â⬠ââ¬Å"We have the same problems with distance,â⬠added Walker. Weââ¬â¢re trying to sell in 50 states, but who knows how far they are from New Glarus? We could have tables and maps in the catalog, but they take up valuable selling space. Also, if it looks too complex, we may just turn off some potential customers before they complete their orders. â⬠ââ¬Å"Some of our clients have another problem,â⬠added Caldwell, ââ¬Å"and that is split orders. The customer will want 10 pounds of cheese, but it will be five 2-pound packages sent to five different locations. That has an impact on both packaging and transportation costs. â⬠ââ¬Å"So, what do we do? â⠬ asked Wilson.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
What Cause People to Have Shame
According to the New International Webster s Pocket Dictionary of the English Language shame means, a painful feeling caused by a sense of guilt, unworthiness, impropriety, etc. Another definition is a person or thing causing disgrace or humiliation. I m going to use the first definition in this paper. There are a lot of thing that causes people to be ashamed. When shame shows up in people s lives it causes people to be unhappy, hide things from others, and to feel guilty about things. Shame causes people to be unhappy. In the story The Necklace Mathilde was a poor woman and she married and poor man. Mathilde was unhappy with her life because she wasn t living the life that she wanted to live. She wanted expensive things like large, silent anterooms, decorated with oriental tapestries and lighted by high bronze floor lamps, with two elegant valets in short culottes dozing in large armchairs under the effects of forced-air heaters (Manupassant 4). She also wanted large drawing rooms draped in the most expensive silks, with fine end tables on which were placed knickknacks of inestimable value (Manupassant 4). The last thing she wanted was the perfume of dainty private rooms, which were designed only for intimate tete-a-tetes with the closest friends, which make her the envy of all the other women. Like we discussed in class, if she was so unhappy with the way she was living then why come she didn t marry a rich man and then she would have the things that she dreamed of. Her shame over material things that she wanted made her unhappy. Also In The House on Mango Street there was this little girl and her parents they lived in a apartment that wasn t worth living in. The girl was unhappy with the place she had to live. She wanted to live in a house with a back yard and a house that wasn t tore up but in perfect condition. She wanted what we call the ideal house. In tell she will have her ideal house it s just takes time. Shame cause people to feel guilty. Guilt is a feeling of blameworthiness for having committed a crime or wrong (Webster 223). In The Necklace Mathilde was a shame of the clothes that she had. Her husband and herself were invited to a dinner party, but she refused to go because she wanted a new dress. He finally gave in and got her a new dress. After she got that she still refused to go because she didn t have any jewelry to wear so she borrowed from her friend. She went to the dance and had a good time. On the way back home she lost the necklace. Shame made here feel guilty because she had lost something that didn t belong to here. In The House on Mango Street the girl felt guilty to tell people where she stayed because of the condition of the house. The girl was ashamed of were she stayed that it made her unhappy to even have to go there everyday. In First Confession Jackie felt guilty having gone to confession to confess his sins. He thought that he was a really bad person. He told the priest that he didn t like his grandmother and her wanted her dead and that he had tried to kill his sister with a bread-knife under the table. Shame causes people to hide things from others. In The Necklace Mathilde borrowed a necklace from one of her friends and on the way home from the dinner party she loses it. Instead of telling her friend that she lost she hid it from here. So she had to borrow money from people to go buy another necklace. At the end of the story she runs into her friend that she borrowed the necklace from and to come to find out the necklace wasn t even real. When you hide things from others you re not hurting them you re hurting yourself. If she had told her friend that she lost her necklace then she wouldn t have had to go through the turmoil that she went through. In other words she should have been honest with her friend. She was so shame that she had lost her friend s necklace that she wanted to hide it from here so that she wouldn t think that she was a careless person In conclusion, shame can affect us in many ways. In this paper I talked about how shame causes people to be unhappy, to feel guilty, and to hide things from others.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Plutonium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements
Plutonium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements Plutoniumà Basic Facts Atomic Number: 94 Symbol: Pu Atomic Weight: 244.0642 Discovery: G.T. Seaborg, J.W. Kennedy, E.M. McMillan, A.C. Wohl (1940, United States) Electron Configuration: [Rn] 5f6 7s2 Word Origin: Named for the planet Pluto. Isotopes: There are 15 known isotopes of plutonium. The isotope of greatest importance is Pu-239, with a half-life of 24,360 years. Properties: Plutonium has a specific gravity of 19.84 (a modification) at 25à °C, melting point of 641à °C, boiling point of 3232à °C, with a valence of 3, 4, 5, or 6. Six allotropic modifications exist, with various crystalline structures and densities ranging from 16.00 to 19.86 g/cm3. The metal has a silvery appearance which takes a yellow cast when oxidized slightly. Plutonium is a chemically reactive metal. It readily dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid, perchloric acid, or hydroiodic acid, forming the Pu3 ion. Plutonium exhibits four ionic valence states in ionic solution. The metal has the nuclear property of being readily fissionable with neutrons. A relatively large piece of plutonium gives off enough energy via alpha decay to be warm to the touch. Larger pieces of plutonium give off sufficient heat to boil water. Plutonium is a radiological poison and must be handled with care. It is also important to take precautions to prevent the unintentional formation of cri tical mass. Plutonium is more likely to become critical in liquid solution than as a solid. The shape of the mass is an important factor for criticality. Uses: Plutonium is used as an explosive in nuclear weapons. The complete detonation of a kilogram of plutonium produces an explosion equal to that produced by approximately 20,000 tons of chemical explosive. One kilogram of plutonium is equivalent to 22 million kilowatt hours of heat energy, so plutonium is important for nuclear power. Sources: Plutonium was the second transuranium actinide to be discovered. Pu-238 was produced by Seaborg, McMillan, Kennedy, and Wahl in 1940 by deuteron bombardment of uranium. Plutonium may be found in trace amount in natural uranium ores. This plutonium is formed by irradiation of natural uranium by the neutrons which are present. Plutonium metal can be prepared by reduction of its trifluoride with alkaline earth metals. Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth (Actinide) Plutonium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 19.84 Melting Point (K): 914 Boiling Point (K): 3505 Appearance: silvery-white, radioactive metal Atomic Radius (pm): 151 Ionic Radius: 93 (4e) 108 (3e) Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 2.8 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 343.5 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.28 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 491.9 Oxidation States: 6, 5, 4, 3 Lattice Structure: Monoclinic References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table
Monday, October 21, 2019
Rapheal, Marriage of a Virgin essays
Rapheal, Marriage of a Virgin essays c. In order to obtain a better understanding of this work, the artist, and the time period in which it was developed, it would be helpful to look at useful comparisons of both the work of this artist and other influential work that may have served as an inspiration to this particular piece. Raphael a very well known Renaissance painter was an artist who was able to combine the qualities of both Leonardo and Michelangelo to create art that had drama, richness, and an almost sculptural quality. In comparison to a piece created in 1507 named La Belle Jardiniere, The Marriage of the Virgin an earlier work has some remarkable similarities both literally and figuratively. The figures in both of his interpretations are executed in a similar manner. All of the characters are in their own unique poses. All of the figures seem to be painted in the same technique, solid having a distinct mass, and painted in such a way that resembles a sculpture. In addition to this Raphael has used a technique in both known as sfumato or smoke, which creates an almost atmospheric haze to the entire composition. The more significant similarity in my opinion is his use of a triangular or pyramid like focus in the three main characters in La Belle Jardiniere, and between the church, Mary and Joseph in The Marriage of the Virgin. With this particular idea in mind I would like to discuss another work by Pietro Perugino, The Delivery of the Keys. This particular work done in 1482 is so strikingly similar to The Marriage of the Virgin that in opinion there is no doubt that it was a key influence for Raphael in the development of this piece. This triangular focal device was adopted and used in nearly the exact same way as Perugino used it. In both works there are two forces one on the left, and one on the right, which are coming together to form a union with the church in the far background as the visual intersecting eleme ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
All About Si, the French Adverb or Conjunction
All About Si, the French Adverb or Conjunction The French word si can be an adverb or a conjunction. Either way, si has several meanings and is used in numerous French constructions. Practicing the use of this word is important for grasping its nuances. Si If Si is the French word for if: Je ne sais pas si je veux y aller. (I dont know if I want to go.)Dis-moi si à §a te conviendra. (Tell me if that will work for you.)Et si je ne suis pas fatiguà ©? (And if Im not tired?)Si jà ©tais riche, jachà ¨terais une maison. (If I were rich, I would buy a house.) Si So Si can be used as an intensifier: Je suis si fatiguà ©. (Im so tired.)Jai si faim. (Im so hungry.)Je ne savais pas quil à ©tait si mignon. (I didnt know he was so cute.) Si As, So Si can make a comparison: Il nest pas si intelligent quil pense. (Hes not as smart as he thinks.)Ce nest pas si facile. (Its not as easy as that, Its not that easy.) Si While, Whereas Si can put two clauses in opposition: Sil est beau, sa femme est laide. (Whereas he is handsome, his wife is ugly.)Si tu es gentil, ton frà ¨re est mà ©chant. (Youre kind, while your brother is mean.) Si However, No Matter How Si can be followed by a subjunctive clause to express a concession: Si beau quil fasse, je ne peux pas sortir (No matter how nice the weather is, I cant go out)Si gentil que tu sois, je ne taime pas (However kind you are, I dont love you) Si Yes Si means yes in response to a negative question or statement: Tu ne vas pas venir? Si, je vais venir. (Youre not going to come? Yes, I am going to come.)Nas-tu pas dargent? Si, jen ai. (Dont you have any money? Yes, I do.)Jeanne nest pas prà ªte. Si, si! (Jeanne isnt ready. Yes, yes!) Si Did I Hear Correctly, Is This What Youre Asking? If someone asks a question and youre not sure (or cant believe) you heard correctly, you can request confirmation or clarification by repeating what you did hear with the word si:Si jai faim?(Are you asking) if Im hungry?(You couldnt really hear the question)Si je veux quoi?Youre asking if I want what?(Youre not sure you heard correctly; you heard Do you want a free TV?)Si jai combien denfants?Youre asking if I have how many kids?(You didnt hear how many, or you heard Do you have 7 kids?) Et Si What if, How About In informal French, et si is often tacked on the beginning of a suggestion (with the verb in the imperfect): Et si on allait au cinà ©? (How about going to the movies?)Et si tu amenais ton frà ¨re? (Why dont you bring your brother?)Et si on parlait damour? (What if we talked about love?)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Designer Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Designer Project - Research Paper Example His talent and professionalism enabled him to work for a variety of companies, like IBM and NeXT. While working as a consultant for these corporations, he was responsible for conceiving detailed communication systems. The systems varied from logos, building signage, packaging and a variety of other designs that are still used to date. Consequently, I think that is why I chose him for this project. His work on IBM and NeXT revolutionized the marketing strategies adopted by technological companies, and as a Computer Science major, I was drawn to his work. The growth of NeXT as a company and as a corporate identity, can be partially attributed to Paulââ¬â¢s work on the companyââ¬â¢s logo and brochures. Paulââ¬â¢s work was not only visually stimulating, but evoked emotions of admiration. He adopted a problem-solving method to graphic design and in turn, it earned him devoted admirers on a global scale, even ten years after his death. His work was essential in swaying consumers to certain brands, because it was trusted by many consumers to communicate an essential truth via the brandââ¬â¢s visual cues. Indeed, he was skilled in brand identity. For Paul Rand, he was motivated by modest expectations and good ideas. He was on various occasions quoted saying that, in order to comprehend what a logo was capable and incapable of accomplishing, then a personââ¬â¢s designs would always need to achieve the simplicity that all people crave for. He emphasized that simplicity was not the aim of a project, but was a by-product of modest expectations and a good idea. In addition to his affinity for good ideas and modest expectations, presentation was key to him. He was adamant that for every design a designer is involved with, he should strive to tell a story that is unique and tailored in accordance with the wishes of the client. The quality of work produced for a client and the clarity with which it conveys the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Bhopal Disaster Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bhopal Disaster - Case Study Example These include non-compliance with safety rules, lack of employee training to deal with safety standards, location of the plant close to a densely populated area and other reasons that surfaced right after the disaster. Business ethics refers to the corporate philosophy and mindset about the rights, obligations, duties, responsibilities and conduct for doing business. There is no universal principle for ethics, however several theories were proposed. Right after the disaster, Union Carbide (UCC) and their local partners in India, Union Carbide of India Limited (UCIL) started blaming each other and tried to pass the buck in hope of saving themselves for being responsible for the disaster. Hence, they failed to display Duty Ethics that refers to carrying out activities based on objective duties and obligations. The Golden Rule of ethics is to act in a way one wants others to act towards him/her. Similarly, 'the professional ethic' paradigm 'asks to take actions that a disinterested panel of professional colleagues would view as proper' (Laczniak, 1983). The Utilitarian Principle for ethics refers to acting in a way that is best for the greatest number. However, as seen from the case, UCC made no real effort to ethically justify their actions in the Bhopal disaster. Though they maintain that they acted in the best interests of the public after the disaster, yet there is no independent confirmation of this claim. They even failed to pass the TV test as Laczniak (1983) defines as 'Would I feel comfortable explaining to a national TV audience why I took this action' After the disaster, UCC remarked that it 'had never had a presence in India and that UCIL was essentially an autonomous operation' (Sharplin, 1989); although, Browning (1993) explained that 'UCC owned over 50% of the plant that was operated by UCIL'. UCC has never apologised to Indian people regarding the incident and carelessness on behalf of both the principals and the operators. Subsequent forensic investigations identified a serious lack of commitment by management to ensure implementation of health and safety standards at the plant. Many observations were noted by scientists and plant auditors, yet none of these was implemented till the disaster struck. These facts show that the company seriously violated ethical standards of utilitarianism and ethics of duties; they showed lack of respect for a large population of Bhopal and never accepted their responsibility towards doing their jobs, that is to ensure the safety standards at the plant. Corporate Social Responsibility The corporate social responsibility concepts require that companies take the responsibility to ensure the safe and secure environment for the benefit of general public. In addition, these call for establishing a standard to contribute to the society in general, and then compliance with that corporate social policy or standard to enhance the quality of life for general public in the area where a company operates. However, as evident, no such responsibility was exhibited by either
Reading Journal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading Journal - Coursework Example the chapters (Chapter 13) in the book it has been told that the early 17th and mid 20th centuries have been very favorable for Europe as it has dominated majority of the world (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 322). The entire European rule has been discussed in a detailed and effective manner through which I have been able to learn a lot about what exactly happened during these centuries and how United Kingdom, France, Austria, United Provinces of Netherlands etc. used to rule other parts of Europe. It has been possible through the readings that I learnt about the condition of France after Louis XIV (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 334). Previously, I was not very well aware of the Ptolemaic System and the Cultures during the 16th and 17th Century, however, after reading chapter 14 I was quite informed about the system, norms and cultures (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 349). Although I do not know anything about the system and the culture as I have not lived in it but it was due to the excess of information and the detailed sub-parts that I am able to understand scientific societies and how their systems actually worked (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 355). Economy is also an important aspect of any society or country. Since, Europe has a dominating role during the 18th century therefore its economy must have been strong and stable. From the Varieties of Aristocratic Privileges to French Nobility and Family structures and Family economy, all have been discussed in this chapter and has helped me in improving my knowledge regarding the subject (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 373). Similarly, the second chapter ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËI am the Stateââ¬â¢: The Development of Absolutism in England and Franceâ⬠has equally helped me expanding my knowledge regarding the development of Absolutism in the two countries (Rogers 25). Furthermore, subjects like Scientific Revolution have never been of such interest. This is due to the fact that author has successfully elaborated each and every detail in the book along
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business Viability Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business Viability Plan - Case Study Example Due to the great demand on the services provided by the organisation, it was decided that a feasibility plan is to be conducted so that it can expand in offering of new services. The services should include the market plan, management plan, operations plan, risk management plan and financial plan. The finding is to be used in decision-making. Dog's dinner incorporation is a non-profit making organisation This Company was established at the end of the year 2004 and it functioned in the provision of non-profession theatre. The organisation has a staff membership of twenty with a basis of non-professional theatre. The company has been successful in the production of several plays. These plays include the four plays and memory water which were produced in 2005 while the production of four plays 2 and Andrew Bovell's play was in 2006.The success were also contributed by the fact that the plays were written by the staff of the company. The business has grown in that it started in the year 2004 and it is currently having twenty employees. It is seen that the business has grown as seen in the accounting records. The total income as per the year 2006 on June, the income was low at 6067 while on 2007 June was 7356.15. Dog's dinner incorporation is an organisation that provides theatre entertainment services such as drama and so it is planning to expand by providing a set of new services. The organisation intends to present high quality production which may be original or non original to the local audience who have an interest in the presentations. It also intends to have a chance of working with the local secondary schools by providing live performance based on literature of the secondary set books and the drama texts. This is of great importance to the secondary school student s that will have a golden chance of viewing live performance and hence break the monotony of reading only textbooks. The company intends to have an edge in competing with other companies by offering services that are going to stimulate them to think and reflect on their lives and society and so this challenge in which it will be offering to their audience will make the organisation to be attractive to many people. Don Daya nada, Richard Irons, Steve Harrison, and John Herbon, PatricioRowland (2002). The free performance by the writers, technicians and performers will lead to their talent being given a forum in presenting quality, original and established work to the public. The free service will enable the performance to be less costly and hence it will attract more people and through this there will be promotion of the business. Dave Hall, Jones, Cano Raffo (1999). To be considered In the plan is the copyright issues in which their presentations are copyrighted and their trade name are presented to the registrar of society to ensure that it is not by any other person or groups. Their trademark should be registered to prevent other companies infringing on their rights and also prevent other groups from using their name in making their presentations. Dave Hall, Jones, Cano Raffo (1999) Planning consideration Planning is the process whereby the future activities are arranged in a chronological order so that they can be implemented. The aim of a plan is to provide a
Acdamic skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Acdamic skill - Essay Example Sources, such as Google sources, are not that reliable, because anybody can publicly do things on the internet. However, books are generally considered more trustworthy because the author and publisher are clearly stated and they are held responsibility for its truthfulness. One reliable resource, found by Erik, A.(2010), had introduced product strategies for the iPhone, including four successful ways which are markets, product cycles, pricing and software. However, the iPhone was not the first smartphone to have mobile Web, email, and touch-screen user interface capabilities, but it was designed to offer an improved experience compared to other smartphones. Firstly, this resource is reliable; because of its demand media. Secondly, it is useful for this research proposal. The significant aim of this article is exploring the iPhone product strategy, it was designed to offer an improved experience compared to other smartphones. Following the four product strategies for the iPhone which are markets, product cycles, pricing and software, we can clearly see the iPhone why can be successful. These four aspects are indispensable to the business strategies. According to Dorrell, E. (2007), more than half of the consumers in the UK stipulate that Apple iPhones are too expensive. Two weeks after the launch in the UK, the vote at the market research company GFK NOP showed that more than 70% of the consumers feel that the proposed retail price of à £269 was on the high side while only 2% of the respondents considered buying an iPhone. This resource, found by a newspaper, makes it reliable. And using customer interviews further increases its reliability. The main purpose of this paper is for customer surveys to getting the price of the iPhone to a more detailed study of the iPhone business strategy. Furthermore, collecting data is the important way to get a reliable source. Due to this fact received from this
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Shearwater adventures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Shearwater adventures - Essay Example Rival Sellers: Although Shearwater Adventure has differentiated itself from its rivals by offering a wide product range, the company still faces threats because the competition can either increase its product line or devise new adventures or copy those offered by Shearwater. and thus increase its sales and market share. The rivalry intensifies as new competition enters the market with low priced products and offering good deals compared to the existing ones. In addition to this, the competitors in the adventure industry are now trying to build strong dealer networks with the African local companies in order to increase their credibility, which is also a means of promotion and advertising. The practice of increase repeat bookings from the customers is spreading like fire among the competitors who try different tactics and methods to achieve this. New Entrants: Opening an adventure company in countries like South Africa, where Shearwater Adventure is currently operating, is very easy as compared to the setting up in United States due to high permit costs. In addition to this, the new entrants who focus on rafting trips have to endure a cost as low as $20,000 and if the company wants to offer all the services than the cost could be as high as $200,000. New companies would be encouraged to enter the market by seeing a double digit growth of few companies. Substitute Products: The companies in the industry are providing more or less the same the adventure products. Shearwater Adventure has tried to differentiate itself by providing more choices in the sports than any other company. Although at-least 40 extreme sports exist in the industry, it is difficult to provide them all depending on the location of the company. A company providing water sport activities will try to attract customers by positioning itself as better than land activities. In order to predict the future demand, the companies should link up
Acdamic skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Acdamic skill - Essay Example Sources, such as Google sources, are not that reliable, because anybody can publicly do things on the internet. However, books are generally considered more trustworthy because the author and publisher are clearly stated and they are held responsibility for its truthfulness. One reliable resource, found by Erik, A.(2010), had introduced product strategies for the iPhone, including four successful ways which are markets, product cycles, pricing and software. However, the iPhone was not the first smartphone to have mobile Web, email, and touch-screen user interface capabilities, but it was designed to offer an improved experience compared to other smartphones. Firstly, this resource is reliable; because of its demand media. Secondly, it is useful for this research proposal. The significant aim of this article is exploring the iPhone product strategy, it was designed to offer an improved experience compared to other smartphones. Following the four product strategies for the iPhone which are markets, product cycles, pricing and software, we can clearly see the iPhone why can be successful. These four aspects are indispensable to the business strategies. According to Dorrell, E. (2007), more than half of the consumers in the UK stipulate that Apple iPhones are too expensive. Two weeks after the launch in the UK, the vote at the market research company GFK NOP showed that more than 70% of the consumers feel that the proposed retail price of à £269 was on the high side while only 2% of the respondents considered buying an iPhone. This resource, found by a newspaper, makes it reliable. And using customer interviews further increases its reliability. The main purpose of this paper is for customer surveys to getting the price of the iPhone to a more detailed study of the iPhone business strategy. Furthermore, collecting data is the important way to get a reliable source. Due to this fact received from this
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Food industry Essay Example for Free
Food industry Essay Food is the most important element of human survival. Food contains essential nutrients the human body requires to intake. From vitamins to calories, just a few of the nutrients that make a body function. Without food there is no survival; however, the way food is processed in America today, Americans might as well be dead. Furthermore, unhealthy products flood Americaââ¬â¢s food supply. A vast majority of these products are highly processed foods. Highly processes foods are extremely dangerous to oneââ¬â¢s health (Squires). Process foods cause severe harm to the human body and furthermore lead to illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol. (Squires). The way Food is manufactured in America today causes numerous of illness and sometimes death. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the food industry to efficiently maintain the safety of food. There are three vital motives why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the process of food. First, without stricter regulation, the quality of the livestock industry will steeply decline.Second, if not regulated, the high usage of high fructose corn syrup will continue to increase. Lastly, if the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the process of food, the creation of genetically modified food will continue to occur. In all, the Food and Drug Administration must strictly regulate the livestock industry to preserve health of America. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rig orously regulate animal factories to effectively maintain the safety of meat. The Food and Drug Administration cannot allow animal factories to deliberately contaminant the food supply. By allowing existing methods to continue, it puts all consumers at great risk. Currently, animal factories utilize disgusting methods to minimize cost and maximize profit (They Eat What). These horrific methods consist of purposely distorting the nature of animal feed (They Eat What). The Union of Concerned Scientists published an article ââ¬Å"They Eat What? â⬠where they expose the animal factories of their horrific acts. The Union of Concerned Scientists state, ââ¬Å"Many of the ingredients used in feed these days are not the kind of food the animals are designed by nature to eatâ⬠(They Eat What). This establishes that factories do what ever they desire; disregarding the fatal effects it can impose on animals let alone on human heath. Animals by nature are not supposed to consume the remains of the same species; however, factories continue to do so, as it maximizes profit by utilizing all parts on an animal (They Eat What). Diseased animals, same species meat, skin, blood, manure, and unhealthy portions of grain are all items consisting in animal feed (They Eat What). Furthering the argument, the Union of Concerned Scientists added. ââ¬Å"Animal feed legally can contain rendered road kill, dead horses, and euthanized cats and dogsâ⬠(They Eat What). This low standard production of animal feed is simply repulsive. If the Food and Drug Administration do not enforce stricter regulations on the animal factories, only fatal side effects will follow. Serious human health concerns will steeply arise if this unacceptable method to nurture livestock continues. The outburst of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy also known as mad cow disease is a great example. Mad cow disease is a transmissible form of brain damage that occurs when rendered cattle are fed back to cattle. (They Eat What). This disease is extremely dangerous as it can be spread to humans. Humans can obtain a form of mad cow disease by consuming meat products that carry the disease (They Eat What). The Food and Drug Administration have taken steps in banning any methods that lead to mad cow disease. However, their lack of effectiveness has created of loophole in the system and animal factories are taking full advantage. The Union of Concerned Scientists presented evidence exposing the loophole in the Food and Drug Administration regulations. The Union of Concerned Scientists assert, ââ¬Å"Under current law, pigs, chickens, and turkeys that have been fed rendered cattle can be rendered and fed back to cattleââ¬âa loophole that may allow mad cow agents to infect healthy cattleâ⬠(They Eat What). This is unacceptable. The Food and Drug Administration inherent purpose is to regulate any methods that cause harm to human beings, yet the fail to do so. It is unjust for the Food and Drug Administration to purposely allow the livestock industry to taint the production of meat. Therefore, if the Food and Drug Administration do not enforce stricter regulations the safety of livestock will only decline at extreme rates. However, there are other motives why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the process of food. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the amount of high fructose corn syrup used in food products, as it unsafe to consume. High fructose corn syrup is a cheaper form of sweetener derived from corn (Stossel). High fructose corn syrup is the ubiquitous sweetener in American products, as it is extremely inexpensive to produce (Stossel). Furthermore, the excessive usage of high fructose corn syrup has become the greatest contributor to the epidemic of cardiovascular disease (Flavin). Cardiovascular disease is the primary reason for premature death in America (Flavin). Cardiovascular diseases consist of obesity, diabetes, heart and kidney disease (Flavin). In modern America, the consumption of high fructose corn syrup has drastically increased. Sally Squires, a writer for the Washington Post wrote an article ââ¬Å"Stealth Caloriesâ⬠where she exposed the high usage of high fructose corn syrup. Squires reveals, ââ¬Å"Since the introduction of high-fructose corn syrup in 1966, U. S. consumption has reached about 60 pounds per person per year. â⬠(Squires). This is ridiculous. Consuming such immense masses of high fructose corn syrup severely contributes to fatal diseases. No matter what processed food item an individual decides to eat, the common ingredient is high fructose corn syrup (Squires). High fructose corn syrup has flooded the food industry and continues to grow. The United States Food and Drug Administration must step in and regulate the amount of high fructose corn syrup a company applies to its products. If regulations are not enforced, the doses of high fructose corn syrup will continue to increase. Barry M. Popkin, a nutrition professor for The University of North Carolina, has published an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that widely display the dangers of sugar-sweetened drinks. Popkin states, ââ¬Å"The increase in consumption of HFCS has a temporal relation to the epidemic of obesity, and the overconsumption of HFCS in calorically sweetened beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity(Qtd. in Hyman). Thus, it can be established that consuming large amounts of high fructose corn syrup does indeed lead to obesity. High fructose corn syrup is absorbed quicker than regular sugar. As a result, high fructose corn syrup prevents the body from signalizing that it is full and thus leads to (Hyman). Therefore, by exceeding the standard caloric intake, symptoms of obesity quickly arise. Hence, it is evident that The United States Food and Drug Administration must strictly control the amount of high fructose corn syrup a company applies to its products. However, there are other important reasons why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the food industry. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate genetically modified foods because they are unsafe. Genetically modified foods are engineered foods that have been deeply depraved as a result of genetic alteration (Heit). Furthermore, genetic alterations consist of extracting genes from other plants or animals and inserting them in the chosen product to produce desired traits (Heit). However, this method has severely tainted the healthiness of food. A vast number of studies have linked genetically modified foods in an extensive variety of health problems, ranging from organ damage to immune dysfunction (Gutierrez). Not only are genetically modified foods harmful to animals, they can also be harmful to humans. David Gutierrez a staff writer for the Natural News wrote an article ââ¬Å"Doctors Warn About Dangers of Genetically Modified Foodâ⬠where he exposed the fatal flaws of genetically modified foods. Gutierrez states, ââ¬Å"Animals consuming crops that have been genetically modified to produce the pesticide Bt (approved for human consumption in the United States) have died by the thousands, while animals grazing on a non-GM version of the same crops remained unharmedâ⬠(Gutierrez). This evidence is overwhelming. If genetically modified foods are fatal to animals, one can affirm that this harm will carry over to human beings. Animals are dying at exponential rates as a result of consuming genetically modified foods; yet the United States continues to allow these methods of production to occur. By allowing the production of genetically modified foods, the fatality rates of animals and humans will continue to escalate. Hence, it can be established that consuming these genetically modified products drastically increases the probability of developing a fatal disease. Therefore, the United States cannot allow these food production methods to continue. In addition, scientific experiments have shown numerous rats suffer as a result of consuming genetically modified foods (Gutierrez). Through extensive observations, it has been revealed that female rats that have been fed genetically modified foods experience a drastically higher infant death rate (Gutierrez). Likewise, male rats suffer as there testicles change from a pink to a blue color (Gutierrez). As long as the food supply is produced by means of genetic modification, food will continue to mutate genes in a destructive ways. Therefore, it is evident that genetically modified foods will severely harm humans. Similarly, additional analyses have indicated that genetically modified foods contain significantly higher concentrations of allergens and toxins (Gutierrez). As a result of genetic mixing, the allergens and toxins of one item are transferred to the other (Smith). Hence, by consuming genetically modified foods, unknown allergic reactions can occur (Smith). In recent research, scientists have found high dosage of peanut protein in soybeans (Smith). Consequently, an individual who is allergic to peanuts can have an allergic reaction by consuming soybeans (Smith). This is absurd. Consumers are blindly digesting products that may be deadly to their health. It is unjust for consumers to endure an allergic reaction as a result of genetic mutation. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration must regulate genetically modified products to preserve the health of consumers. In all, the safety of all food in America is in a crucial situation. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate factories, scientists and other food manufactories to preserve the health of American consumers. If not regulated, the safety of livestock and crops will only steeply decline and thus affecting the health of human beings. The diseases of mad cow disease, fatal allergies caused by genetically modified crops, and high usage of high fructose corn syrup are the greatest concerns for the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore it is evident that the United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the food industry to efficiently maintain the safety of food. Works Cited Dana Flavin. ââ¬Å"Metabolic Danger of High-Fructose Corn Syrup. â⬠Life Extension Magazine. Life Extension. Dec 2008. Web. 1 June 2013. David Gutierrez. ââ¬Å"Doctors Warn About Dangers Of Genetically Modified Food. â⬠Natural News. Truth Publishing International. 25 Feb 2010. Web. 28 May 2013. Jeffery Heit. ââ¬Å"Genetically Engineered Foods. â⬠Medline Plus. [N. p. ]: 7 May 2012. Web. 28 May 2013. Jeremy Smith. ââ¬Å"Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies. â⬠Institute for Responsible Technology. [N. p. ]: May 2007. 30 May 2013. Mark Hyman. ââ¬Å"The Not-So-Sweet Trust About High Fructose Corn Syrup. â⬠Huffington Healthy Living. The Huffington post. 16 May 2011. Web. 29 June 2013. Richard Stossel. ââ¬Å"The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. â⬠Natural News. Truth Publishing International. 11 Oct 2008. Web. 28 May 2013. Sally Squires. ââ¬Å"Stealth Calories. â⬠The Washington Post. The Washington Post Company. 6 Feb 2007. Web. 1 June 2013. ââ¬Å"They Eat What. â⬠Union of Concered Scientists. SIRS Issues Researcher. 8 Aug 2006. Web. 27 May 2013. ââ¬Å"65 Health Risks of GM Foods. â⬠Institute for Responsible Technology. [N. p. ]: N. d. Web. 1 June 2013.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Relationship Between Tectonic Architecture And Materials Cultural Studies Essay
Relationship Between Tectonic Architecture And Materials Cultural Studies Essay The following thesis seeks to identify and examine the relationship between tectonic architecture and materials. Although materials are all around us; we often do not take the time to examine them; to truly reflect on their inclusion, and so there very presence is often taken for granted. In order to emphasise the importance of materials in architecture; this research question focused on discussing How do materials play a key design role in tectonic architecture? The thesis used two main methodologies. The first was a literature review, which includes a comprehensive review of the literature that was instrumental in addressing the main topics, materials and tectonic architecture. The second was a model based study which focused on a particular building. It examines how a change in materials could affect the design of a building; and thus emphasises the key role materials play in tectonic architecture. The findings of the research highlighted the fact that materials do indeed play a key role in the design of tectonic buildings; and in some cases they can be the main driver for the initial design. However it was also established that there are many other contributory factors which also affect the overall design. Factors such as the structure, the crafting of construction, innovation, the use of cutting edge technology, the collaboration of the design team as they work in synergy with the architect, and finally the methodologies of learning by doing or facilitating education through the teaching of others. Definitions / Glossary Tectonic Architecture A non-monolithic structure, assembled using different materials, techniques and resources in the act of construction making and revealingà [1]à . Stereotomic Architecture A self-supporting monolithic structure composed from articulated solid elements. Atectonic A combination of tectonic and sterotomic building techniques. The crafting of construction This is not just a joint or a construction detail; it is the crafting together of materials and surface through bespoke means. Green design Philosophy that treats environmental attributes as design objectives and not as constraints. High-tech Refers to technology that is at the cutting edge or the most advanced technology currently available. Honesty The notion that a structure shall display its true purpose and not be decorative Materials The matter from which a thing is or can be madeà [2]à Constructivist teaching methodologies Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction rather than passively receiving informationà [3]à . All works of architecture involve a creative interplay between ideas and materials to which both makers and critics have repeatedly been willing to assign ethical valueà [4]à Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction Materials are not trendy; they are a necessity for the realization of creativityà [5]à Looking around the built environment, one can see materials are everywhere; yet they are not often questioned; when were they invented? How are they picked? How are they used? Why were they put together in a particular way? Were the correct materials selected? In addition to these questions architects must also address issues around purpose and design; can materials be the driving force behind their designs or are they insignificant, merely an aesthetical feature of the building. Attempting to delve into and address some of these questions has led to the research of this thesis; namely How do materials play a key design role in tectonic architecture? This thesis aims to understand tectonic architecture and the role of materials in the design of a building. One has a basic understanding of what these words mean from the glossary however there is a need to explore where they have come from and how they have and will affect architecture. In exploring this idea there is a need to acknowledge, where tectonic architecture and materials began, how they have evolved over time, and going forward what direction are they headed in? The thesis shall discuss a number of these issues in order to address the research question. The paper shall examine the following main chapters; Joint / The crafting of construction, the tectonic innovation of large span, 20th century modern tectonic architects, 21st century tectonic environmental architecture and a model based study. Research methods This thesis is jointly done through two research methods. The first consists of the literature review, and was under taken to gain an in depth understanding of tectonic architecture and the complexity of materials. The second involves a model based research which was conducted through the analysis of drawings in order to understand the effect of a material change on a tectonic building. The first five chapters will analyse the key role materials play on tectonic architecture. It will look at both the theory and the practical side of this subject; with analytical drawings to further develop this principle. This study will be carried out via secondary research, comprising of books, journals, newspaper articles, electrical journals, published conferences and websites. Research will be carried out on both subjects, starting with the design and building of the mere hut to the development of the contemporary tectonic architecture. Chapters six will be an in-depth study in to a model based research, where the question will be asked if materials do play a key role in tectonic architecture and if there was variations in materials would the building design and space changed. The analysis will aim to show how important materials are to the building design with 3 dimensional drawings. 2.0 Joint / The crafting of construction Often it is the expressiveness of the jointing which humanizes structures and gives them their friendly feel.à [6]à In Greek, the term tectonic comes from the work tekton, which suggests carpenter or builder. In the fifth century, the meaning evolved into the role of the tekton. This led to the emergence of the master builder or architekton. Kenneth Frampton observed that Adolf Heinrich Borbein claimed this meaning would eventually change to an aesthetic rather than a technological category. Frampton noted in his book Studies in Tectonic Culture that Karl Otfied Muller, in his third edition of Handbuch der Archaologie der Kunst, that tektones was specialized, in reference to people in construction or cabinet makers which used a specifically functional or dry joint, though this did not include clay and metal working in the meaning. This gave the definition of tectonic as the joint or the joining through the construction process. In 1851 Gottfried Semper, published his book, The Four Elements of Architecture (Die vier Elemente der Baukunst). He based some of his elements on a Caribbean hut (see figure 1) that he saw at the great exhibition of 1851 and he divided the dwelling into four elements, 1 the earthwork, 2 the hearth, 3 the framework (including the roof) and 4 the lightweight skin or membraneà [7]à . On the base of these four elements, Semper classed the building crafts into two fundamental different procedures: the tectonics of the lightweight frame work and the stereotomic of the base. Semper illustrated the use of the stereotomic base where mud-brick and stone were placed on the ground, on to which the lightweight framed structure sat. Frampton considered the stereotomic base to be load bearing masonry, weather stone and mud brick. He noted the importance of the lightweight framed structure, where he saw the creation of the knot as a fundamental element in enabling the tying together of the lightweight components. The knot led to the securing of the frame and was perceived by Semper as a complex jointing of construction. Around the world, this technique can be visibly seen, where rope is used to knot lightweight structures together; highlighting how locally available materials were utilized to build huts. African tribal cultures used a wide range of vertical screen walls where the rope knot was the key construction element. The Gogo house in Tanzania was built from tree branches where a rope knot was employed to hold the structure together while mud was built arou nd the structure. In comparison to this, the Kuba hut found in the southeast of the Congo was erected using woven mats, again with all joints being knotted together with rope. Semper highlighted the development of knots into a weaving process, which subsequently led to the creation of buildings fabric. Buildings such as the Bedouin tribal huts were assembled using locally sourced materials in a weaving manner in order to build strong huts; as oppose to those which were built with knots. Woven walls were a form of wattle constructionà [8]à , which was described by Allen Noble as vertical stakes, each fitted into a hole or slot in one horizontal and sponge into a groove or another hole in the other member of the framework. Materials such as osiers, reeds or thin strips of oak were most commonà [9]à . This style of wattle construction is still in use today in the building of fences; however it did lead to the advancement in wattle and daub construction, which can be seen in many vernacular buildings around the world today. Cherie Wendelken in his article on The Tectonics of Japanese Style: Architect and Carpenter in the Late Meiji Period noted that Japanese architecture had great symbolical structures which were primarily tectonic, whereby locally sourced material such as grasses and bamboo pillars were being knotted together. The 15th century Japanese house was constructed with a woven faà §ade. These houses were built in a post and beam framed manner with woven infilling walls which allowed for flexible sliding screens. Sempers, The Four Elements of Architecture, can be seen clearly in these houses as the stereotomic base which was built of boulder footings, a lightweight timber structure sat on these foundations and finally a lightweight skin was applied. Some of these structures would be built every 20 years as there time cycle only lasted this length. The most celebrated of these structures being the monumental Naiku and Geku. Pre 1800 tectonic architecture illustrates that the joint or the crafting of construction was the most important and innovative aspect of tectonic architecture with materials playing a key role in the design of the building. This can be seen from the reed-built houses of the Marsh Arabs in Iraq (Materials, Form and Architecture for images p13). These materials were normally locally sourced and the construction methods were tried and tested over long periods of time, as was the case with most vernacular architecture of that era. 3.0 The tectonic innovation of large spans Gothic churches and cathedrals were noted by Frampton as having the idea that with the combining vaulted and trabeated structural forms in a new spatial unity; on the other, it stretched the art of reinforced masonry construction to its technological limitsà [10]à . This led to the innovation of large non-load bearing faà §ades in gothic architecture. This innovation in structure went on to influence many architects of the 19th century, including Augustus, Welby, Northmore, Pugin and Viollet Le Duc. Voorthuis highlights how Pugin claimed You can decorate constructionà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦but you cannot construct decorationà [11]à and thereby hides the true construction of a building. Pugin had a great understanding of materials and craftsmanship. He himself used innovative and experimental techniques when it came to craftsmanship and designing building such as the Church of St. Augustine, Ramsgate or St. Aidans Cathedral in Enniscorthy. However Voorthuis emphasised how Pugin would insist that if mouldings were to appear on a building, they need to do so for a reason, such as to stop weathering of an area rather than for aesthetic reasons; and this was his use of tectonic architecture. Frampton pointed this out in the fabric build-up of St. Pauls in London (167-1710). Where he commented on Pugins proposed drawings of the church a section through a pointed church compared to the hidden buttresses built into the fabricà [12]à (fig ) or ornamented mediaeval truss roof compared to t hat of the concealed truss hidden by a suspended ceiling (fig ). While Pugin worked on the innovation in craft and his idea, that mouldings were to appear for reasoning, Eugene Emmanuel Viollet le Duc worked on the advancement in materials. Viollet Le Duc was a French architect and theorist famous for his interpretive restorations of medieval buildings and also for his writing advocating that materials should be used honestly. He began his career with twelve commissions for the restoration of medieval monuments. He encouraged the use of different materials with new techniques and resources, in contrast to the work of William Morris and his art and crafts movement, which promoted traditional crafts. Henry Van Brunt in his book Discourse on architecture noted that Viollet Le Duc was more concerned with the economy of structure than the theorists of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Viollet-le-Duc pursues lightweight hollow or reticulated metal construction as an agent for transforming every conceivable tectonic element, from window shutters to metal roofsà [13]à . This interest in metal construction led to Viollet le Duc using wrought and cast iron which promoted lightweight tectonic framed structures and was a unique resourc e from which 19th century architecture would developed from. His experimentation with metal led to the development of an iron network of vaulting and can be seen in his octagonal hall design. Frampton stated that the octagonal hall is organized with its polygonal roof structure and statically determinate iron members displayed the principles of structural rationalism for the first time in constructionà [14]à . The octagonal hall was to be a 3000 seat hall spanning 140 feet, illustrating iron works and innovative techniques, which tended to pushed the boundaries of architecture and materials to their limits. His idea of cast iron framed structures was to be firstly realized by the English landscape architect Joseph Paxton and Anatole de Baudot. Paxton won the design competition for the Great Exhibition of 1851 (fig ) designing a building measuring over 92,000m2 . He was assisted in his work by two engineers, Fox and Herderson, who came up with a system of structural elements. The building was completed in nine months due to its innovative modular design and construction techniques which used the largest glass panels available and the most up to date technology in order to forge and connect elements. Another major factor that contributed to the fast building time was the collaboration of each person involved, from the architect down to the craftsman. De Baudot was seen as Viollet Le Ducs predecessor. Frampton noted that he worked in a similar style to that of Viollet le Duc, using cast iron columns to equally express his tectonic architecture in the world exhibitions held in Paris in 1878 and 1889. These two significant projects, one circular, the other rectangular, were attempts to realize Viollet-le-Ducs iron network vaulting on a grand scaleà [15]à . However they never lived up to the grand scale of Galerie des Machines 1889 designed by Ferdinand Dute which had a 180 foot span. The building was a controversial design for steel construction however iron was used as Robert Thorne notes that John W. Stamper emphasised The principal material of the buildings structure was to have been steel, but the decision was made at the last minute to use iron instead. Steel was abandoned on the two-fold ground of expense and the necessity of hastening the execution of workà [16]à . Georg Heuser, and Otto Wagner were both great writers in the promotion of architectural realism as a matter of principle in the late 1800s. Heuser saw the development of architecture innovation rather than decorative style. Frampton indicated that Heuser seems to have been among the first to acclaim the riveted steel frame as the new industrial vernacular of the machine ageà [17]à . To the contrary Richard Weston wrights For Ruskin, industrial production was the work of the Devil, and cast or machine work that imitated craft (hand) production what he called operative deceità [18]à . 4.0 Tectonic reinforced concrete Bring out the nature of the materials; let their nature intimately into your schemeà [19]à The latter half of the 19th century, also saw the development in structural framing concrete. In 1890, engineer Paul Cottancin came up with his reinforced masonry system known as ciment arme. This system was noted to be labour intensive and became obsolete 17 years later due to Francois Hennebiques patent and his reinforced concrete design known as beton arme. This outcome reversed tectonic principles allowing the transgression of a stereotomic material to a tectonic frame. Frampton stated that after Louis Vicats perfection of hydraulic cement around 1800, concrete began to be used in a new wayà [20]à . However he mentions how Joseph Moniers began building prefabricated flower pots and sewer pipes from reinforced wire and cement. It was not until Francois Hennebique, a French engineer and self-educated builder, began using perfected reinforced concrete in his construction that it became popular. Douglas McBeth, in his book Francois Hennebique-Reinforced concrete pioneer, emphasised that Hennebiques system started out as fireproofing to protect iron beams. However he soon realised that the floor system would be more economical if the iron was used only where the slab was in tension, while it could rely on the concrete in compression. The Hennebique system was a simple erection of timber formwork around steel, after which concrete could be poured. While Hennebique was perfecting his methods, De Baudot whom was Viollet Le Ducs predecessor was working on St. Jean de Montmartre. Frampton observed that De Baudot wanted to exploit a method that could combine light construction with bonded brickwork, as he pointed out, the result was a somewhat oriental, diagonally ordered system of vaults rising from thin brick walls and piers enclosing narrow channels of interior spacesà [21]à . This would bring Viollet Le Ducs idea of cast iron vaulting to a new innovative method of brick vaulting. However Hennebique system began to be widely used and was further developed by architects such as Auguste Perret. Auguste Perrets architectural career was bound around the principle of reinforced concrete and Karla Britton, in her book Auguste Perret noted that Perret claimed reinforced concrete frame construction is the ultimate structural materialà [22]à . Perrets went to the Ecole des Beaux arts school where he argued between practical and theory in architectural education. However as Frampton highlighted, he chose the practical as he left abruptly before submitting a final project. He started to design and build one of the first apartment blocks from reinforced concrete construction. Nonetheless, Perret was concerned for a building to be structurally honest and with this, used a visible framework as can be seen in his Garage Marboeuf. His work was noted for establishing concrete as an acceptable architectural material in the 20th century. It was noted by Britton that Perret and Frank Lloyd Wright attempted fair faced reinforced concrete at virtually the same time and both had similar res ults. 5.0 20th Century Modern Tectonic Architects Construction is the means; architecture is the resultà [23]à Frank Lloyd Wright left school in 1887 without finishing his degree, and moved soon afterwards to Chicago where he found work with Adler and Sullivan. Wright was impressed with Sullivans ornamental design. Louis Sullivan was influenced by the idea from and function. However his statement was form ever follows functionà [24]à . Sullivan took Wright under his wing and acted as a mentor to him in his early career. Frampton stated; Wrights early domestic architecture, executed in wood, is invariably conceived and machined according to a repetitive modular order and framedà [25]à . Sullivan also introduced Wright to Celtic iconography and Celtic textiles. Following on from this induction, Wright became heavily influenced by textiles. He visited the Columbian exhibition of 1893, the Ho-o-den, and began turning his attentions to Japanese architecture. He visited Japan in 1917 and worked there until 1922. While working in Japan, Frampton noted that Wright studied tea houses, religiou s Japanese architecture, and the Horyu-ji shrine. Upon his return in 1922, Wright brought back many ideas, such as heated floors and modular part construction. However it was woven faà §ade and concrete that mostly inspired him as he stated Aesthetically, concrete has neither song nor any storyà [26]à . In 1921 Wright finally looked at the idea of wire-reinforced concrete blocks that were pre-cast with a pattern on the outer face. He would later call this the textile block. He first used this system in the Aliace Millard house in Passadena California. Terry Patterson in his book Frank Lloyd Wright noted that he would make a double coursed wall, one internally and one externally for the cooling and heating of the house. After the accomplishment of both system and house, Wright refers to himself as a weaverà [27]à stating his textile blocks were a woven skin/faà §ade. Wright follows this up with a statement in his book Frank Lloyd Wright Writings and Buildings I finally had found simple mechanical means to produce a complete building that looks the way the machine made it, as much at least as any fabric need lookà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Standardisation as the soul of the machine, here for the first time may be seen in the hand of the architectureà [28]à . Semper, in The Four Elements of Architecture, spoke about the textile and its comparison to the art of enclosures or the woven faà §ade. This can be seen from the wattle construction, or Japanese vernacular houses, but now can also be seen in the development and the influence in Frank Lloyd Wrights architecture. There was also the development in the joint or crafting of construction. This came from the pre 1800s work and the great iron works of the 19th century which was advanced by architects such as Mies van der Rohe and Carlo Scarpa. Mies van der Rohe saw details and joints as one of the foremost important elements in his architecture, as his famously states, God is in the details. Mies started his career by using brick on such projects as his Brick Country house Project going to great lengths in this endeavor. Philip Johnson in his book Mies van der Rohe noted this as he states; he calculated all dimensions in brick lengths and occasionally went so far as to separate the under-fired long bricks from the over-fired short ones, using the long in one direction and the short in the otherà [29]à . Mies gradually started to use other materials, such as steel, marble and large sheets of glass. The qualities of different materials became a leading idea in how Mies designed his buildings, from a stereotomic mass to a skeleton tectonic frame. When one looks carefully at the detail in Miess buildings, he had a great understanding and respect for the qualities of materials. As while he was looking for stone for the Barc elona Pavilion, he knew that one could not move marble from a quarry in winter because it is wet inside and freezing conditions could cause it to break. With this in mind, he had to find a dry material and eventually found onyx blocks of a certain size and proportion, and from this he designed the pavilion to be twice the height as it was originally considered and developed the plan from there. Frampton acknowledged that from 1926 to 1933, Mies had three main considerations; firstly, in the underlying aesthetic intention, secondly, in the essence of materials to hand, and thirdly, in the institutional status of the workà [30]à . A change in Mies work can be seen when he shifted the column from circular to I or H. He began to express the joint in the column and beams more often. This transformation brought him back to a shift to more traditional tectonics. This expression can be clearly seen in the Farnsworth House and the Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin. Frampton states, Within thes e parameters, the art of building for Mies meant the embodiment of the spirit in the banality of the real; the spiritualization of technique through tectonic formà [31]à . 6.0 21st century Tectonic Environmental Architecture Materials are not trendy; they are a necessity for the realization of creativityà [32]à Materials loom largely as one of the most discussed ideas of contemporary architecture. Victoria Ballard Bell, in her book Materials for Design explains that Materials should inspire designers to think of materials as a palette from which to imagine an idea or concept that can be realised with the use of materialsà [33]à . This idea can be seen in such building as the Laminata Glass house in Leerdam, The Netherlands, the horse stable (Ghost 9) in Nova Scotia Canada or Frank Gehry Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. However how are these materials chosen? Bell outlines that material selection is one of the utmost important decisions an architect must undertake. She notes more often than not, materials are not addressed till the end of the design process or even during the creation of a construction document for a building design as if there are sometimes mere afterthoughts in various projects. Lisa Wastiels has the view that every material selection should aim to fulfil a simple need, to identify the best material for a particular application. However in order to identify the best materials, it is important to first understand the criteria used to select those materials in the first instance. Wastiels research broke material selection consideration into four identified categories, context, manufacturing process, material aspect and experience (see figure). However from interviews in Wastiels research, some interesting information appeared. It was highlighted that building codes, regulations and standards are major factors in the choos ing of materials today. Further to this Richard Weston in his book Materials, Form, and Architecture states, in addition to their traditional interest in the structural/constructional and aesthetic qualities of materials, designers must now also consider their embodied energy (in production, transportation, and on site), potential for recycling, and renewability as a resourceà [34]à . Bell remarks that materials are now being chosen for their green credentials to be sustainable and sensitive to our environment. This idea has been used by many tectonic architects such as Glenn Murcutt and Renzo Piano. Australian architect Murcutt is world renowned for his energy efficient architecture; although he does not work outside the country, using his motto touch the earth lightlyà [35]à . Murcutt is an advocate of using locally sourced manufactured materials such as glass, timber and steel where he developed an appreciation for simple vernacular architecture which pays attention to the environment. Murcutt takes into account the origins of the material, the energy consumed to process them and reusing them to avoid the loss of energy. The Marika-Alderton House in Yirrkala Community is a prime example of Murcutts energy efficient ideas where he adapts his materials to the hot tropical climate where a skeleton skin like building emphasises ventilation. Nevertheless he also uses agricultural tin sheets to cover the building in an innovative way. Murcutt uses Simpers principle id
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